Two unique historical novels set in an age of sophistication and style.
The late-Victorian and Edwardian periods, sometimes known collectively as the Belle Époque (‘the beautiful era’), was for Europe a period of rapid technological progress and relative peace. It also coincided with a period of unrivalled sophistication in the arts, and the wonderful, sinuous Art Nouveau styles in fashion and design flourished at this time alongside the continued revival of Gothic sentiments in literature and architecture.
A collage of scenes, fashion and design from the era of the Belle Epoque
A strong thread of romance and emotional intensity runs through all of these years, but also a certain anxiety and sense of foreboding: that all good things must come to an end. Let me introduce you to two unique, thought-provoking stories that take place in this exciting and intriguing period of history. The action in the novel The Hours Before alternates between the cities of London and Vienna at the turn of the century, while in The Arrow Chest you will find a dark, fatally romantic tale, very ‘British’ in character and enhanced by a mysterious time-slip quality that refers back to much earlier Tudor times.
Available in paperback and eBook. Just click on the covers to explore.