narrow crop of face of Tudor Queen Elizabeth I against gold-brown background, with text
The Virgin Queen and
the Men who Loved Her


January 2020. Some exciting news about this title. It has been enlarged, with two new chapters and some additional snippets of information. The chapters have been re-arranged a little also. The cover remains the same, but if you are interested in reading in print, then the inside paper is now a pleasant cream colour rather than white.


mostly text image, but with half head and shoulder image of queen elizabeth to right side, black and white

Print versions

Regular paperback:

ISBN-13: 979-8600672154 from Amazon or the Book Depository

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If you would like to order a paperback from a bookshop or for your library, the ISBN number is different. Please ask for ISBN-13: 979-8602205794 and they should be able to locate it.
banner image with text linking to a bookpage