panoramic view of old French estate with cast, flanked by image of 19th-century woman


Extra Pages

The French - major players in the drama of Sophie Dawes

A selection of portraits of French noblemen, courtiers and politicians referred to in the novel. These appear mostly in the testament letter when Sophie details her history and spectacular life in post-revolutionary France. We begin with three generations of the Condés (Sophie's  paramour was Louis Henri).
thumbnail image of painting of late-18th-century French nobleman
Louis Joseph de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, in his prime.
thumbnail image of painting of 19th-century French nobleman, head and shoulders in oval
Louis Henri de Bourbon.
thumbnail image of painting of l19th-century French nobleman
Louis Henri de Bourbon, as Prince de Condé.
thumbnail image of painting of young,18th-century French nobleman
Louis Henri’s son the Duc d'Enghien.

Important others ....

More important men who play a part in the story during Sophie’s life in France - including no less than three kings. She did not know them all, but their influence on her life was profound. Also, her husband, the Baron de Feucheres. And Monsieur Talleyrand. All key figures.
thumbnail image of painting of 19th-century French nobleman
Louis Stanislas Xavier, Comte de Provence (Louis XVIII from 1814).
thumbnail image of painting of 19th-century French King
Charles X, King of France,1825.
thumbnail image of painting of 19th-century French King
Louis Philippe, King of the French.
thumbnail image of painting of 19th-century French nobleman
Adrien Victor, Baron de Feuchères.
thumbnail image of painting of 19th-century French nobleman
Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord.

Victims of revolution ...

Some other images of interest show the ill-fated Louis XVI, Queen Marie Antoinette and their son, Louis Charles, the uncrowned king Louis XVII of France and the claimant Karl Wilhelm Naundorf.
thumbnail image of painting of 19th-century French King
18th-century portrait of King Louis XVI of France by Antoine-Francois Callet.
thumbnail image of painting of 18th-century French noble woman at toilette
Queen Marie Antoinette by Heinrich Lossow.
thumbnail image of painting of royal 18th-century French boy
The Dauphin, Louis Charles, by Alexander Kucharsky, 1792.
thumbnail image of painting of two 19th-century French figures in conversation
The farmer Thomas Martin in conversation with his angel.
thumbnail image shows two black and white head and shoulder images of people
A comparison of a plaster bust made of the Dauphin Louis Charles (briefly Louis XVII) with a drawing of Karl Wilhelm Naundorf in later life.
thumbnail image shows two black and white images of French gentleman from old times
A comparison between the features of Louis XVI (left) and the man who claimed to be his son, Karl Wilhelm Naundorff.