panoramic view of old French estate with cast, flanked by image of 19th-century woman


Extra Pages

The Setting - locations and places mentioned in the novel

The setting for the story is Queen Victoria’s residence of Osborne House in the year 1862, and also the village of St Helens. Both are located on the Isle of Wight – a small island off the  south coast of England. There are also numerous references to places in 19th-century France,  namely the châteaux of Chantilly and St Leu. Here is a selection of scenes that evoke those settings,
mostly as seen in the  Victorian/Edwarian era.

Firstly, a selection of scenes from Sophie Dawes’s birthplace, St Helens, including the Seamark and causeway.
thumbnail image of English village from old postcard
St Helens Village Green with geese grazing
thumbnail image from old postcard, black and white village setting
St Helens High Road
thumbnail image of old boat upon misty lake, sepia tone
The Mill Lake (pond) St Helens Duver
thumbnail image of a narrow causeway with brackish water to sides
The Causeway leading to the Duver. The mill pond is on the left, the harbour to the right.
thumbnail image of old painting showing ruined church tower
St Helens Seamark c 1813
thumbnail image of old church tower painted as seamark
The Ruined church tower St Helens

Osborne House, a regal setting ...

Next: some old illustrations/paintings of Osborne House and nearby town of Ryde.
thumbnail image from old postcard of Osborne House
Osborne terraces and garden
thumbnail image of old watercolour painting of Osborne House
The gardens and grounds of Osborne looking southwards towards the building.
thumbnail image of old photo of building with Italianate tower
Osborne west front and carriage ring.
width="150" height="109"thumbnail image of old engraving of seaside town with buildings
Drawing of the seaside town of Ryde in 19th century

France ...

Some of the places and locations that Sophie, as Madame de Feuchères, would have known as a young woman in France. Chantilly, in particular was the setting around which many of the important key events of her life took place.
thumbnail image of old French castle at Chantilly
The Grand Chateau of Chantilly.
thumbnail image of old painting of Parisian palace complex as if from above
Palais Bourbon, Paris 1780.
thumbnail image of old engraving of palace and gardens in Paris
Palais Royal and gardens, Paris 1863.
thumbnail image of French chateau, 19th century
Chateau St Leu exterior.

Other images of interest …

Some additional items that may be of interest to readers of the story …
thumbnail image of old palace
Victoria and Albert’s state visit to Louis Philippe at Chateau d’Eu, 1843, by Eugène Lami.
thumbnail image of old 19th-century early steam ship with sail and masts
HMS Black Eagle.
thumbnail image of statue in interior setting with staircase
Theed’s statue of Albert, in situ at Balmoral.
thumbnail image from old painting showing stagecoach in rural setting with people boarding
The Last Stage on the Portsmouth Road, 1815, Jacques Agasse.
thumbnail image of old cartoon showing busy port setting
Thomas Rowlandson, Portsmouth Point.
thumbnail image from old painting showing Balmoral castle Scotland in landscape
A View of Balmoral, James Giles, 1848.
thumbnail image of stately home with people arriving
Exile. Louis Philippe on state visit to Claremont House, by Édouard Pingret, 1844.