The Garden in November – a place of colour and surprise
14th November 2013
How wonderful - and it never ceases to amaze me - how much colour and general loveliness there is in to a garden in November. The English garden, even at this time of the year, can be an adventure and a delight. It is true, and every gardener knows it, that if a plant is 'happy' where it is then it will put on an extra-special show and even surprise us at unusual times.
Cotoneaster - emergency food for wildlife.
Autumn colour
Here, above, are some cotoneaster bushes, full of red berries. Wonderful autumn colour. Fruits and berries also serve as 'emergency' feed for birds and other wildlife. They say that a plethora of these indicates a harsh winter on the way. We shall see.
Autumn is always a great time for Chrysanthemums, and they are fabulous when all those russets and yellow colours merge together. Right now we have mostly yellow to brighten up the garden in November. And what a great job they do! Great for those who like indoor arrangements, too.
Umm .. Chrysanthemums.
... and more.
Garden in November - Surprises
And there are always nice surprises. Look - peeping out from a pruned lavender bush, hiding away, a Kafir Lily. Such an unusual colour. And far tougher in the wind than you'd expect from such a delicate appearance.
Look at me - I've been here all the while!
"... there are other kinds of gardens, are there not - rough-hewn from the land, places of informality and where a sufferance for disorder produces all manner of surprises - where random appearances of colour can spring up and combine unexpectedly from season to season in endless patterns of spontaneous delight."