Snowdrops and Periwinkle - flowers for the winter garden

23rd February 2015
Today is one of those days on which, if you are a gardening enthusiast, you tend to get just a bit excited. Yes, it really does seem like spring is just around the corner. Look at these lovelies - Snowdrops and Periwinkles. What a combination!
outdoors, drift of periwinkle flowers
Periwinkle, white.
Above photo: a drift of white periwinkle in the garden. They are at their best now, though they do still manage to flower and give cheer through much of the winter.
flowers outdoors, snowdrops amid green setting
Clump of snowdrops.
Snowdrops. We have so many hungry little mouths, voles and mice and even badgers in the garden. All creatures who like who nibble them (the bulbs and roots, that is), that these are quite a rarity. So pleased to see them! It always signals an end to winter, to lengthening days and warmer weather.
Authored by Robert Stephen Parry

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